Airport Transport Services For You And Your Baby

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Choosing The Best Type of Transportation Transportation is a very important aspect of daily life and many people use it to get to their jobs, travel to appointments and run errands. Since we understand its importance, we've researched various kinds of transportation and we wanted to share our findings in this blog. As you read the articles on this site, you'll learn about the different kinds of public transportation and the benefits of each one. We also share with you the advantages of owning your own vehicle so you don't have to rely on anyone else. Our goal of this blog is to make this information available so everyone can decide which type of transportation is the best choice for their specific situation.


Traveling with your baby will require that you bring along a stroller, a car seat, a diaper bag, and other essentials. If you aren't going to be securing a rental vehicle upon your arrival at an airport terminal, determine the best transport method that will accommodate you and your child.

A Shuttle

A hotel that contracts with a shuttle transport company may allow its guests to utilize a shuttle service free of charge. Some airports also work directly with shuttle companies. They may have a designated map and corresponding stops that the shuttle drivers will follow. First, determine what types of shuttle services are featured in the destination city that you and your child are traveling to.

Next, learn how you will need to book a ride. If your hotel has contracted a shuttle company to accommodate their guests, you may be able to book an online reservation, either through your hotel or the shuttle company. Reserve a ride on a shuttle vehicle that will be large enough to seat you and your baby and that will provide the amount of cargo room that you need.

A shuttle bus or van may contain bench seating that will allow you to properly secure your child inside of their car seat. Some shuttle services may furnish car seats upon request. If you aren't going to need a car seat, other than when you are using public transport, you may benefit by reserving a car seat that is furnished through a shuttle company. 

A Taxi

A taxi company's services are typically independent of an airport and the hotels that are located within the vicinity of the terminal. A taxi service will provide a more intimate transport service. You can request that a taxi driver transports you and your child to any of the points of interest on your travel itinerary. You will likely want to book a taxi in advance or at least learn how far a taxi dispatch office is located from the airport terminal.

If you will be booking a ride in advance, let the company know about the number of people in your travel group. Some taxi companies may supply a complimentary car seat on request. If not, however, you will need to bring your child's car seat on the plane with you. Reserve a vehicle that will be adequately sized for you, your baby, and all of the luggage that you will be bringing along with you.

Contact an airport shuttle or taxi service to learn more. 

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