Why A Side Awning Is A Good Feature On A Horse Trailer

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Choosing The Best Type of Transportation Transportation is a very important aspect of daily life and many people use it to get to their jobs, travel to appointments and run errands. Since we understand its importance, we've researched various kinds of transportation and we wanted to share our findings in this blog. As you read the articles on this site, you'll learn about the different kinds of public transportation and the benefits of each one. We also share with you the advantages of owning your own vehicle so you don't have to rely on anyone else. Our goal of this blog is to make this information available so everyone can decide which type of transportation is the best choice for their specific situation.


When you're shopping for a horse trailer that you'll use to take your horse to different equestrian events around the state and beyond, there are many different amenities that the trailer should possess. You want your animal to be as comfortable and secure as possible during transit, but you'll also want to think about some design features that will be advantageous when the trailer is parked. You'll see some horse trailers that feature side awnings; they remain closed when you tow the trailer, but are easy to open once you park. Here are some reasons that this is a useful feature.

It Provides Shade For The Horse

On a sunny day, one of the first things that you'll want to do upon parking your trailer is extend the side awning. Doing so will immediately provide a significant amount of shade that will help to keep your horse cool. While you'll want to have one or more fans running inside of the horse trailer, as well as access to water in an effort to keep the horse cool, providing this amount of shade will be valuable. This is especially ideal if you're not able to park in a shaded area such as under a tree.

It Offers Space For You

When you travel to an equestrian event for the weekend, you'll have brief periods of competition and a lot of downtime. It's common for people to spend at least some of this downtime hanging around their trailer, enjoying a barbecue, and meeting with friends. The weather won't always be cooperative, so extending the side awning also gives you a sheltered place to set up your grill, your folding chairs, and any other supplies that you're using throughout the weekend. Even in heavy rain, the awning can allow you to stay outdoors instead of seek shelter in your vehicle.

It Gives More Room Around You

Parking areas at equestrian events can sometimes be crowded, and the last thing that you want is to park your vehicle and trailer — only to have another attendee park his or her trailer just a foot or two from yours. While you don't want to be inhospitable to those around you, extending your awning after you park your trailer should encourage people to park a little farther away from you. This gives you more space to move around the trailer and set up an area for eating and relaxing, rather than be crammed.

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